We promote corporate actions to ensure compliance with current regulations and industry standards. We are committed to maintaining high levels of compliance, not only to meet the expectations of our customers and partners but also to contribute to a responsible and sustainable work environment. Our constant effort is directed towards excellence and reliability.

ISO 9001:2015

Represents an international standard for quality management systems. This standard is designed to continuously improve processes, ensure customer satisfaction, and demonstrate a commitment to excellence.

The implementation of key principles such as customer focus, leadership, process-based approach, and continuous improvement results in the optimization of overall operations and a competitive advantage.

With ISO 9001:2015 certification, we can strengthen trust with our stakeholders and promote a culture of quality within our organization.

In accordance with these requirements, every employee actively contributes to the success of our quality management system by continuously improving our internal processes, fostering innovation, and ensuring maximum operational efficiency.

Quality Policy

MOGC d.lgs 231/2001 and Code of Ethics
Our company has adopted the Management Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 to promote a culture of legality and responsibility.

This model serves as an important tool for crime prevention and risk management, helping to ensure an ethical and transparent work environment.

Our Code of Ethics, integrated into the Model, establishes the fundamental principles and values that guide the behavior of all members of the organization.

We are committed to upholding high standards of integrity, fairness, and responsibility in our relationships with customers, suppliers, and stakeholders.

Through continuous training and awareness-raising on ethical issues, we aim to create a strong corporate culture that promotes respect for laws and regulations and fosters a climate of trust and collaboration.

Code of Ethics
MOGC d.lgs 231/2001